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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  June 15, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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certainly there are a lot of things in this report that not only worry those of us in the administration, but should worry a lot of americans. >> president trump's allies seizing on the report about the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. james comey's actions under scrutiny. is buias in question? and president trump approves tariffs on $50 billion of goods from china. this move is likely to provoke a strong reaction from beijing. terrifying.
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several people in the hospital after a roller coaster derails in florida. some victims falling more than 30 feet to the ground. that's on my list of nightmares. welcome to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> note to self. do not ride roller coasters. i'm dave briggs. it is 4:00 a.m. in the east. we waited months for the i.g. report. now we are waiting for the tweets from the president that did not come. >> interesting. it is as one analyst called a choose your own adventure report. a lot in there that fits a lot of narratives. we will take the big view today. >> we will get to the truth of it with james galiano in the 5:00 a.m. hour. the white house seizing on the report from the justice department before the 2016 election. the doj calling former fbi director james comey's actions extraordinary and inn
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subordinate. saying he was not motivated by political biabias. there were multiple failures in the hillary clinton e-mail probe. this cast a cloud over the bureau. >> one of the findings is comey used a personal g-mail account for business. clinton responded with a tweet. but my e-mails. and newly discovered text by peter strzok and former lawyer lisa page. in august of 2016, page brings trump will never become president, right, right! strokz strzok replies we will stop it. >> he prioritized the russian investigation for a month instead of following up on a
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cache of clinton e-mails. this is proof of a deep state conspiracy to damage the president. senator lindsey graham said he would support a new federal probe of mueller's investigation. rudy giuliani going straight at peter strzok. >> tomorrow, mueller should be suspended and honest people should be brought in. impartial people to be brought in to investigate strzok. strzok should be in jail by the end of next week. >> sara murray has more on the report. >> reporter: good morning, dave and christine. in a report on the clinton e-mail investigation, the justice department announcing no evidence that conclusions from prosecutors in the hillary clinton e-mail probe were effected by bias or other improper consideration.
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president trump has made a habit of smearing the fbi work. this finds that former fbi director james comey's action were extraordinary and insubordinate. it was not fueled by political motivation also. the 500-plus page report led to comey's initial july 2016 recommendation that clinton should not face charges. this is usurping loretta lynch's actions. and the discovery of e-mails were announced to the public days before the election. he calls that decision insubordinate. christopher wray was disappointed after reading the report. >> the report identifies errors of judgment, violations of or disregard for policy and decisions at the least with the
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benefit of behind sighindsight the best choices. >> reporter: to take steps to address what went wrong so these mistakes will never been repeated. back to you. >> sara murray, thank you. james comey responding quickly to the ig report in an op-ed. he writes my team believed the damage of concealing the reopening of the investigation would have been catastrophic to the institution. the ig weighs it differently. that is okay although i respectfully disagree. the former fbi director urging public support for law enforcement and rule of law. president trump approving tariffs on $50 billion of chinese goods. this will escalate trade tensions with the two world's largest economies. sources say the president gave the green light after meeting with top economic team,
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including the treasury secretary and u.s. trade rep. tariffs mean when u.s. companies import chinese goods, they have to pay the government. the u.s. is targeting 1,300 items. aerospace equipment and tech and medical supplies. the white house is moving ahead despite multiple rounds of trade talk was beijing. the summit with -- talks with beijing. the recent summit is looking at items from canada and mexico. this fulfills trump's goal of cutting the trade deficit with china. his previous economic adviser gary cohen stated this. >> in many respects it is helpful to our economy. if we could manufacture something in the united states cheaper or better than we could import it, we would do that.
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>> this got a lot of attention. that is the voice inside the white house that kept these tariffs from going into effect earlier. cohn added he believes strongly in global free trade. those remarks got a lot of play. >> didn't shock any of us. what reaction to the tariffs can the trump administration expect from china? matt rivers has the answer live in beijing for us. matt. >> reporter: dave, the reaction will be swift and it will be equal amount of tariffs the chinese will put on the u.s. chinese said within the last hour, the second the list is final on friday, they will retaliate in-kind. which products targeted? a small list. soybeans, beef, cars, fruit, small planes. these are the goods that part of the $130 billion in exports that come from the u.s. to china is
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what the u.s. is sending to china. china's position is they will not take this lying down. they will retaliate in-kind. what they have said is any agreements that come to as part of previous trade negotiations are out the window if the tariffs come forward. we can expect tariffs from the chinese soon after the u.s. issu issues tariffs. >> game on. thank you. a draft bill to overhaul the nation's immigration system. members are expected to vote on it next week after weeks of intense negotiations it is still not final. it reflects the call for a four pillar approach to immigration. there is $25 billion in border security, including the wall. it ends the diversity visa lottery. cuts family based visas and offered a path to citizenship for daca recipients.
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it offers and addresses the issue of families separated at the border. >> that comes to the biblical defense from jeff sessions. he contends that god supports taking of children. >> and apostle paul and clear command in romans 13. orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves. >> cnn's jim acosta asked sarah sanders about sessions' comments. she had not heard them, but backed the thinking in the intense exchange. >> i can say that it is very biblical to enforce the law. that is actually repeated a number of times throughout the bible. however -- hold on, jim.
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let me finish. i'm not going to comment on the attorney's specific comments i have not seen. that's not what i said. i know it is hard for you to understand. even short sentences, i guess. don't take my words out of context. the separation of families is a product of the same legal loopholes that democrats refuse to close. these laws are the same that have been on the books for over a decade. the president is simply enfor enforcing them. >> is it poll -- policy to take children away from families? >> should be knonoted no law requires families be separated at the doppler radborder. hard for you, jim, even in short sentences. that is something we never heard. >> what about love thy neighbor? i would say it is dangerous to have a bible study argument
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about immigration. there is a lot in there about treating the weakest among us as the best. >> a couple verses trending on twitter. president trump spent years going after presidents bowing before a saudi king. someh how is this is salute cau controversy?
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the first survivor of alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight.
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welcome back. apparently some real drama in the days and hours leading up to the north korea summit this week. the washington post reports after president trump arrived in singapore sunday, he became antsy and bored. he told his officials to move up the meeting a day. he was talked out of it by hit staff. he was told moving up the summit could decrease the tv news
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coverage. the president boasted he did not prepare much for the summit. one thing he missed the protocol and whether it was appropriate to salute a north korean military officer. everyone remembers the ribbing and ridicule that president obama received for bowing to a saudi prince and then this. an actual steelealute to the no korean general. nic robertson, what is the blow back? >> reporter: you know, a sense of irony to it. the north korean media would latch on to it and put it as the 42-minute document ary of the greatest moments in the summit. they use it to describe the relationship with kim jong-un as affectionate and respectful. so when the president does
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something like that, that really feeds into the north korean narrative. he was apparently, president trump was briefed you don't salute generals in other armies. however, sarah sanders does have an explanation. >> as a common courtesy when a military official from another government salutes, you return that. >> reporter: what north korea is making the hay out of this, if you will, this is not a big topic of conversation. officials here believe the summit went well and it was a good start. the questions are what is the future relationship with south korea and the united states for the military. broadly speaking 2/3 of the population here in a poll said they believe the summit was successful with or without the
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salute. >> thank you, nic. a year to the day after being shot, congress member steve scalise back on the baseball field. the highlights that has washington buzzing. next. n, before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free.
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i'm a small business, but i have...
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big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. the new york attorney general suing the donald j. trump foundation and charity and trump family accused of illegal conduct spanning more than a decade. it includes a $100,000 payment by the foundation to settle legal claims against the mar-a-lago resort. the payment that was directly authorized by the president and
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a $10,000 payment by the foundation to purchase a painting of donald trump at a charity auction. the painting displayed at a trump property in miami. >> the president dismissing the claims in a tweet sleazing new york democrats. he says sneiderman's team filed the suit when they refused to settle. we get more from jean casarez. >> reporter: dave and christine, we are waiting to see legally how the donald j. trump charitable foundation will respond to the serious allegations. what the attorney general of new york is alleging is the foundation was not for charity. it was a shell and it was for donald j. trump personally as well as business interests. let me give you an example. it talks about the foundation actually gave money to charitable organizations to settle lawsuits. that was violation of the law in
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general. they say and this is the petition filed thursday, it alleges a pattern of illegal conduct over a decade with unlawful political coordination with the trump campaign and repeated and self dealing and transactions to benefit personal interests and violations of basic legal obligations for non-profit foundations. the foundation responded very strikingly yesterday in a response saying quote this is politics at its very worst. the foundation donated over $19 million to worthy charitable causes. more than it received. the attorney general is asking a court to dissolve the foundation and $2.8 million they want paid as restitution. they are saying that donald trump cannot be involved with the charitable foundation in new york for ten years and his three
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children, ivanka, eric and donald junior cannot participate for a year. dave and christine. thank you. two riders ejected and thrown 34 feet to the ground after the roller coaster derailed on the daytona beach boardwalk. the condition at this hour is not clear. ten riders were rescued when the coaster ran off the track. no word on what caused the derailment. a salmonella scare associated with cut melon is recalled now in 23 states. the cut melon sold in walmart, kroger, walgreens, sprouts, costco and whole foods. according to the centers for disease control, at least 60 people have been sickened since april 30th. emotional moment at the congressional baseball game in washington last night.
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representative steve scalise starting at second base for the gop squad a year to the day after he was shot at practice. the first pitch of the game hit directly to scalise who made the play and was mobbed by everyone on the field. what a great moment there for steve scalise. as for the game, there was not much to celebrate for the republicans after that. 21-5. democrats. smoked the republicans. >> great to see scalise back. the fbi back under scrutiny in the hillary clinton e-mail probe. specifically the actions of one agent whose bias cannot be ruled out. now the president's allies are pouncing. their latest efforts to undercut the russia investigation. comin and it's time to get outside. pack in even more adventure with audible. with the largest selection of audiobooks. audible lets you follow plot twists off the beaten track. or discover magic when you hit the open road.
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certainly there are a lot of things in this report that not only worry those of us in the administration, but should worry a lot of americans. >> president trump's allies seizing on the report about the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. james comey's actions under scrutiny. his bias is not in question, but
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the same cannot be said for everyone at the fbi. and president trump approves tariffs on $50 billion of goods from china. this move is likely to provoke a strong reaction from beijing. and several people in the hospital after a roller coaster derails in florida. some victims falling more than 30 feet to the ground. can you imagine? welcome back to k"early start." i'm dave briggs. i'm christine romans. we start with the republicans quick to seize on the report. the inspector general calling the actions of fbi director james comey extraordinary and insubordinate. he was not motivated by political bias. this details numerous failures heading the e-mail probe and concluding the actions cast a
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cloud over the bureau. >> one of the more ironic findings is comey used a personal g-mail account for official government business. the report calls inconsistent with dodge policy. clinton -- with doj policy. clinton responded with a tweet. but my e-mails. and newly discovered text by peter strzok and former lawyer lisa page. in august of 2016, page brings trump will never become president, right, right! strzok replies we will stop it. >> personal anti-trump texts on a government device. >> stunning. the inn -- ig followed up on the cache of e-mails. the report is being tout by
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trump allies as proof of the deep state conspiracy to damage the president. senator lindsey graham said he would support a new federal probe of mueller's investigation. rudy giuliani going straight at peter strzok. >> tomorrow, mueller should be suspended and honest people should be brought in. impartial people to be brought in to investigate strzok. strzok should be in jail by the end of next week. >> sara murray has more on the report. >> reporter: good morning, dave and christine. in a report on the clinton e-mail investigation, the justice department announcing no evidence that conclusions from prosecutors in the hillary clinton e-mail probe were effected by bias or other improper consideration. this is if -- this is in direct contrast to president trump who made a habit of smearing the fbi work. this finds that former fbi director james comey's action
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were extraordinary and insubordinate. it was not fueled by political motivations. the 500-plus page report led to comey's initial july 2016 recommendation that clinton should not face charges. it condemns comey for usurping loretta lynch's actions. and the discovery of e-mails were announced to the public days before the election. he calls that decision insubordinate. christopher wray was disappointed after reading the report. >> the report identifies errors of judgment, violations of or disregard for policy and decisions at the least with the benefit of hindsight were not the best choices. >> reporter: he said he accepted the findings and vows to hold
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people accountable and to take steps to address what went wrong so these mistakes will never been repeated. back to you. >> sara murray, thank you. james comey responding quickly to the ig report in an op-ed. he writes my team believed the damage of concealing the reopening of the investigation would have been catastrophic to the institution. the ig weighs it differently. that is okay although i respectfully disagree. the former fbi director urging public support for law enforcement and rule of law. it is notable that president trump has not reacted to the ig findings. his twitter account silent since the report release. >> the man should get a break on his birthday. president trump approving tariffs on $50 billion of chinese goods. this will escalate trade tensions with the two world's largest economies. an official announcement is expected this morning. sources say the president gave the green light after meeting with top economic team, including the treasury secretary
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and u.s. trade rep. tariffs mean when u.s. companies import chinese goods, they have to pay the government. the u.s. is targeting 1,300 items. aerospace equipment and tech and manufacturing and medical supplies. the white house is moving ahead despite multiple rounds of trade talks with beijing. the recent summit is looking at tariffs on items from canada and mexico is of concern. this fulfills trump's goal of cutting the trade deficit with china. his previous economic adviser gary cohn stated this. >> i have always said a trade deficit doesn't matter. in many respects, it is helpful to our economy. if we could manufacture something in the united states cheaper or better than we could import it, we would do that.
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>> that is gary cohn. former goldman sachs and globalist. that is why the tariffs fight did not begin earlier and he is not in the white house. he said he believes strongly in global free trade. that got a lot of attention yesterday. that gary cohn interview. >> the question is what reaction can the trump administration expect from china? let's bring in matt rivers in beijing. matt, mike pompeo leaves town. they reveal the tariffs. what is the reaction? >> reporter: the reaction is the chinese government is consistent saying if the united states puts $50 billion of tariffs on chinese imports, the chinese government will do the same thing. retaliate in-kind with $50 billion on u.s. exports here to china. they are planning on doing that shortly after the list from the white house becomes public.
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that final list of chinese products to be taxed. once this comes out, you can expect the chinese to put their list out shortly. soybeans and beef and cars and fruit and small airplanes. the things the u.s. has an advantage on in terms of what they send to the chinese. the big question here, dave, is what happens after this $50 billion in tariffs from china. $50 billion in tariffs from the united states. this is the beginning of of the trade war? the president -- beginning of the trade war? the president retaliates he could put $150 billion on chinese tariffs. where does it go from here? >> game on. matt rivers, thank you. house republicans circulating a draft bill to overhaul the nation's immigration system. members are expected to vote on it next week after weeks of intense negotiations it is still not final and changes could be
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made. right now it reflects the approach to immigration. $25 billion in border security, including the wall, it ends the diversity visa lottery and cuts family based visas and offers a path to citizenship for daca recipients and ends the practice of separation of families at the border. >> that issue inflamed by jeff sessions' biblical defense of the policy. >> i cite you to apostle paul in romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because god is ordained the government for his purposes. orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves. >> many people noting that romans 13 was the verse used to justify slavery. cnn's jim acosta asked white house press secretary sarah
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sanders about sessions' comments. she had not heard them, but backed his line of thinking in the tense exchange. >> i can say that it is very biblical to enforce the law. that is actually repeated a number of times throughout the bible. however -- hold on, jim. let me finish. again, i'm not going to comment on the attorney's specific comments i have not seen. >> it is in the bible. >> it is not what i said and i know it is hard for you to understand even short sentences, i guess. please don't take my words out of context. the separation of illegal families is the product of the same legal loopholes that democrats refuse to close. these laws have been on the books for over a decade. the president is simply enforcing them. >> is it policy to take children away from their parparents? >> it is moral to follow the law. >> no law requires no family to
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be separated at the border. and our own mark preston reported the republican party platform is the best situation for children is to have two parents. we have an american government separates children. >> it should be noted paul ryan said i don't want kids to be separated from their parents. so we shall see where this heads. michael cohen wants stormy daniels' lawyers silenced. seeking a restraining order to get michael avenatti to stop speaking to the media. the actions are driven by the thirst for publicity. paul manafort's freedom on the line today. a special counsel robert mueller claims manafort tainted the
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witness pool. prosecutors want manafort's $10 million bail revoked or modified. he is already facing serious criminal charges in mueller's russia probe. coming up, president trump spent years going after president obama for bowing before a saudi king. so how is the white house explaining this salute to a north korean military general?
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apparently some real drama in the days and hours leading up to the historic north korea summit this week. the washington post stated after president trump arrived in singapore, he became antsy and bored and told aides to get the meeting moved up a day. he was talked out by secretary of state mike pompeo and sarah sanders. the president was told moving up the summit could decrease the tv news coverage. the president boasted he did not prepare much for the summit. one thing he missed in the prep whether it was appropriate to salute a north korean military officer. let's go to nic robertson live in seoul. nic, four times donald trump tweeted about obama bowing to the saudi king. we have never seen something like this. north korean propaganda video
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includes the president of the united states. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dave. it is ironic. north korea is still milking that salute for what it is worth for them which is a lot. their propaganda machine is describing the relationship exhibited between donald trump and kim jong-un as affectionate to kim jong-un as a respectful relationship. president trump was apparently briefed that protocol dictates that you don't salute a general in another army, particularly the one belonging to a dictator. sarah sanders did have an answer to why she believes president trump decided to break with normal protocol. >> it's a common courtesy when a military official from another government salutes that you return that. >> reporter: but here in south korea, despite the north koreans
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milking that for what it is worth, here in south korea is not a topic of conversation. about 2/3 of the population here versus 10% that say 2/3 say they think the summit went well and government officials believe that because this is dialogue and relationship with kim jong-un and donald trump apparently went well for them in the south right now. that is good enough at least to be heading off a possible war. >> perhaps there is a method to the madness. nic, thank you. have you taken the blue line to o'hare? >> no. >> whisking you to the airport at 150 miles an hour? we have "cnn money" next. you won't see these folks at the post office
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they have businesses to run they have passions to pursue how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters ship packages all the amazing services of the post office right on your computer get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale go to and never go to
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the post office again
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go to and never go to i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours?
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zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. the new york attorney general suing the donald j. trump foundation. it allegedly includes a $100,000 by the foundation to settle claims against the mar-a-lago resort. the payment that was directly authorized by the president and a $10,000 payment by the foundation to purchase a painting of donald trump at a charity auction.
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>> the president dismissing the claims in a tweet sleazing new york democrats. he says sneiderman's team filed the suit when they refused to settle. we get more from jean casarez. >> reporter: dave and christine, we are waiting to see legally how the donald j. trump charitable foundation will respond to the serious allegations. what the attorney general of new york is alleging is the foundation was not for charity. it was a shell and it was for donald j. trump personally as well as business interests. let me give you an example. it talks about the foundation actually gave money to charitable organizations to settle lawsuits. that was violation of the law in general. they say and this is the petition filed thursday, it alleges a pattern of illegal conduct over a decade with unlawful political coordination with the trump campaign and
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repeated and self dealing and transactions to benefit personal interests and violations of basic legal obligations for non-profit foundations. the foundation responded very strikingly yesterday in a response saying quote this is politics at its very worst. the foundation donated over $19 million to worthy charitable causes. more than it received. the attorney general is asking a court to dissolve the foundation and $2.8 million they want paid as restitution. they are saying that donald trump cannot be involved with the charitable foundation in new york for ten years and his three children, ivanka, eric and donald junior cannot participate for a year. dave and christine. thank you. two riders ejected and thrown 34 feet to the ground after the roller coaster derailed on the daytona beach boardwalk.
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the condition at this hour is not clear. ten riders were rescued when the coaster ran off the track. six were transported to the local hospital with injuries. no word on what caused the derailment. a salmonella scare associated with cut melon is spreading to ten more states. cut melon is recalled in now 23 states. the cut melon sold in walmart, kroger, walgreens, sprouts, costco and whole foods. according to the centers for disease control, at least 60 people have been sickened since april 30th and may 28th. emotional moment at the congressional baseball game in washington last night. representative steve scalise starting at second base for the gop squad a year to the day after he was shot at practice. after he made the play to first, you can see he was mobbed by
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teammates. what a great moment last night. what a great moment there for steve scalise. 21-5. democrats. global stocks are mixed. another great day for tech. s&p closed higher. bank stocks weighed on the dow 30. the u.s. is putting its own economy at risk. tax cuts are ballooning the deficit and trade protectionism will hurt the american and global economy. president trump just approved tariffs on $50 billion of chinese goods and the chinese vow to respond in-kind. assigning blame for the opioid epidemic. fuelling the crisis as walgreens declined to comment. this is not the only court case
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aimed at fighting opioid. 22 states have filed lawsuits against the company that makes oxycontin. claiming it aggressively sold as painkillers and downplayed the likelihood of addiction. downtown to o'hare in 20 minutes. elon musk has a deal to do it. his boring company will assign a tunnel to get this done. the company tweeted it is excited to work with chicago on the high speed public transport system. it gave no timeline for when it would be finished. it takes me 45 minutes in a car to two and a half hours to a car. 12 minutes sounds good. >> let's hope they don't use the model 3 production line on that.
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"early start" continues right now with the findings of the stunning doj inspector general report. certainly there are a lot of things in this report that not only worry those of us in the administration, but should worry a lot of americans. >> both democrats and republicans somehow see redemption in the same report from the inspector general. although one fbi agent's text messages about president trump is especially damaging. and president trump approves tariffs on $50 billion of goods from china. this move is likely to provoke a strong reaction from beijing. several people are in the hospital after a roller coaster derails in florida. some victims falling more than 30 feet to the ground. that's on my list of nightmares. welcome to "early start."


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